The Art of Tapping / EFT
Tapping is a scientifically proven method that quickly and effectively calms the nervous system.
Tapping rapidly brings down the stress response.
When you feel stressed, cortisol and adrenaline flood your system and you go into high alert.
It’s now been proven under scientifically-controlled conditions that Tapping drastically reduces the amount of cortisol and adrenaline in your system, allowing you to access clarity and resourcefulness.
Tapping quickly and effectively calms the nervous system and controls stress...
So what does this really mean in practice?
Say for example, you’re ready for a new chapter in your life, maybe a big change in your work life, or a new personal direction, but something keeps holding you back.
You just feel stuck, or maybe the thought of big change leaves you feeling anxious, even though part of you really wants it!
The thought of taking action feels scary.
You remember past episodes in your life when you made mistakes, or you felt like you’d failed.
So rather than put yourself through all that potential pain, you avoid doing the thing that deep down you know would love to do.
You procrastinate endlessly.
You find yourself in the grip of your negative beliefs, and you feel completely stuck.
Tapping will both honour and address your feelings of stuckness and scaredness.
Tapping will clear away those fears that are zinging round your nervous system, leaving you feeling motivated, resilient, enthusiastic and ready to go!
Change will always present you with a series of challenges…
… and sometimes they come real fast!
You have to move out of your comfort zone... and you have to do things that leave you feeling exposed, uncertain, and vulnerable.
It’s hard… Really hard.
On top of that, you have a harsh inner critic that’s always talking you down.
This is the voice in your head that blames you, criticises you and judges you when things don’t go to plan.
This is the voice that needs to be silenced.
That’s where Tapping comes in.
Giving voice to all your negative feelings and inhibiting beliefs while Tapping on key Acupuncture points resets the nervous system, creating new patterns of thinking.
This allows you to move forward in your chosen direction feeling confident, resourceful and carefree.
It’s a transformative experience!
You gain the emotional freedom to become the person you need to be to fulfil your dreams.
You start to trust yourself more, you have the confidence to take bold and inspired action, and you’re also able to negotiate the inevitable bumps in the road with new strength and resilience.
You find yourself creating positive change in your life effortlessly.
Combining EFT/Tapping with Chakra Energy Techniques is a powerful and effective means of isolating and clarifying your issues and clearing them from your nervous system.
I show women who feel stuck and uncertain, how to clear away procrastination and anxiety, and move forward effortlessly and joyfully.