Chakra Secrets to
Complete Wellbeing
The Chakra Oracle

A 53 card deck with a full and comprehensive guide book.
Designed to guide you to complete emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
The Chakra Oracle will shine its light when:
The world feels chaotic… and when challenges come your way.
When you need to nurture aspects of you that feel wounded or blocked.
When you feel stuck.
When you feel like your life is missing something.
When you need inspiration and a touch of Divine Wisdom!
Chakra Energy Techniques
For women who are searching for something
more to life, looking for that ‘je ne sais quoi’,
but feel lost, stuck, uncertain and unfulfilled;
I can show you how to break free, clear limiting beliefs
and move forward with confidence and passion.

Debs Sage
Lic. Ac.
Qualified Tapping into Wealth Coach
EFT Master Practitioner
Artist and Author
Free Consultation
I offer a free no-obligation consultation if you would like to find out more about everything I do here.
If you feel stuck and uncertain about how to clear the way and move forward… then I promise you that a conversation with me will bring you immense clarity and shine a light on your next steps.